In-Service Training

In-Service Training

Within the scope of the In-Service Training Program organized online with the participation of academics from the Marmara University European Studies Institute, themes such as possible improvements that can be made in learning-teaching environments and the methods to apply them to the departments of the Institute  were discussed. Within the scope of the In-Service Training Program, the suitability of educational materials for the requirements of the age of the students of the Institute was discussed, and it was concluded that students should be encouraged to research with their own methods, since Generation Z learns more easily with visual and digital data rather than reading.

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With the abovementioned training, an agreement was reached to use interactive learning and teaching techniques more effectively by going beyond classical educational materials and classical classroom environment.

This page updated by Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü on 21.09.2024 20:55:47