- Emile Noel Working Papers (ENWP)


In memories of Emile Noel, The European Research and Documentation Unit of Marmara University has given Emile Noel's name to its working paper.

Emile Noel who was as an adjunt professor at the European Union Institute of Marmara University had always been a great value for the Euroepan Integration Process and European Studies. He was holder of many positions at various European institutions. In 1968, when the three Communities, Euratom, Coal and Steel Community and Common Market were merged into one, Emile Noel was appointed as Secretary General of European Communities until his retirement in 1987. After his retirement, he became President of the European University Institute in Florence until 1996 and then, Emile Noel came to Istanbul where he was born. 

Since January 2008, The Centre publishes the Emile Noel Working Papers in online format (PDF). Emile Noel Working Papers intends to provide comprehensive studies and awareness on current issues of the European Union in the fields of law, politics and economics. Views expressed in ENWP represent exclusively the positions of the authors and do not necessarily correspond to those of the European Union Institute.


Medyanın Ele Geçirilmesi: İspanya 
ENWP - No: 1, January 2022
Zelal Adanmış

Medyanın Ele Geçirilmesi: Polonya
ENWP - No: 2, January 2022
Alperen Bilge

Medyanın Ele Geçirilmesi: Romanya
ENWP - No: 3, February 2022
Perim Canel

Medyanın Ele Geçirilmemesi: Finlandiya
ENWP - No: 4, February 2022
Altuğ Çalın

Medyanın Ele Geçirilmesi: Bosna Hersek
ENWP - No:5, February 2022
Ömer Faruk Gümüş

Medyanın Ele Geçirilmesi: Fransa
ENWP - No:6, February 2022
Mine İlgen

Media Capture: Denmark
ENWP - No:7, February 2022
Tutku Kayacan

Media Capture:Slovakia
ENWP - No: 8, February 2022
Melike Sönmez

Medyanın Ele Geçirilmesi: Sırbistan
ENWP - No: 9, February 2022
Öykü Tansuğ

Media Capture: Germany
ENWP - No: 10, February 2022
Esra Unutmaz

The Role of Media on Syrian Refugees' Agency in Turkey
ENWP - No: 11, March 2022
Mohsen Askari

Suriyelilerin Entegrasyonu ve Medya'nın Rolü
ENWP - No: 12, April 2022
Zafer Can Dartan

Suriyeli Mültecilerin Geleneksel Medyada ve Dijitalleşen Medyada Temsil Sorunu
ENWP - No: 13, May 2022
Makbule Dilagah Metecan

Syrian Refugees in Turkey and Their Health During Covid-19 Pandemic an Analysis of Online News
ENWP - No: 14, June 2012
Orçun Özkoca


Bu sayfa Avrupa Araştırmaları Enstitüsü tarafından en son 02.04.2024 11:42:48 tarihinde güncellenmiştir.